
DS: Amnésia (SweetTinita)

BC | Consequences

BC | Game Of Survival

DS | Descendentes Do Sol

DS | I Look To You

DS | Além das Cores

CW | In love with a homeless

DS: E vamos de chifre! (changbin)

DS: Blossom (iicequeenn)

DS: Nowhere (marshmellows)

DS: A Psicóloga (Srta. Snape)

DS: One To One (sweetieunha)

CW: Fucking Perfect (squueezee)

DS: ROSIES (sweetieunha)

DS: Delicate and the Soul Mates (Patty Silveira)

BC: Everytime

BC: Não Seja Ignorante!

BC: If It was a movie

DS: The Sins and virtue

DS: Miséria (@heyhelp-me)

DS: O último conjurador do fogo (yoonngurt)

BC: Deal 2 (Waxyanca)

BC | I Put a Spell On You Capítulo 29