
BC: Focus (Prólogo)

BC: Yes, Sir

AB: Fire Empress

AB: Kim

BC: First Love - NyckChristine

PLAYLIST: Era uma vez: Os novos finais felizes

CW: Magnificent French - Sabryna Bonni

CW: Magnificent English - Sabryna Bonni

DS: Glorious Age

BC: Cross Destination (Capítulo 43)

ABG: Cherrylipstb

CW: Consequences of a Night - Caroliny Rodrigues

CW: Bound & Silence

BC: Bruciare (Tra il Paradiso e I'inferno) - Lux


DS: Under Our Spell | @Buttrflyrise / Tauane "Ane"

CW: Contos de Guerra

Layout: Nyck Christine

Hotter Than Hell (Padalecks)

PLAYLIST: O (NÃO) Diário de Rodrick Heffley

BC: The Bookstore Guy - nervousharry

BC: Bound & Silence

AB: Krystell Wright

CW: Foco (cloudinhead)